Kia Ora! Hello! & Welcome!
Week one was a blast! - I suspect you anticipated that this may have been the case. I aced the first neuro-anatomy test on Thursday - too easy! However, there are many more mastery tests to come. Highlight was having two massage sessions during the week; massage of the back and posterior aspects of the lower limbs with appropriate draping, so good! Lecturers and teaching assistants are most helpful, some with distinct personalities. We've taped/strapped, looked at dissections, x-rays, observed how to fix testicular torsion, listened to many good yarns. So far there is a large overlap with content presented from my BPhEd degree; this is good revision and more!
Two social events over the week: Wine & Cheese, and Flat Crawl - both of which I opted out of, but those who did go had a great time. It's a good follow up to physio camp (apparently). All of which are events for the budding 2nd year physio student to look forward to (or avoid, if you're like me haha!!)
New additions to next week's schedule include a physiology lab, blood test for TB and Saturday sport medic meeting (for those interested to practice as a sport medic for local teams. I'm opting in!!).
I shall get around to taking photos before the end of the first semester.
This weekend will be spent catching up on notes as I only had access to the online material as of Thursday due to my late enrolment. This is a course where slipping behind in class is not advantageous. As Steve Gurney, experienced NZ adventure racer, implores (and one of our lecturers has cottoned onto): The Seven P's ... Prior Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Link to the university website containing information on the physiotherapy school
It was hailing a moment ago and rain is on the forecast - a bit odd, even for Dunedin's weather standards. What ever the weather, have a great weekend!